Thursday, March 10, 2011

A Farewell Reflection

Design was by far my favorite class of the quarter. Mainly because of the interactive angle to the course. The group project was also refreshing, and I almost always prefer to work individually. I also enjoyed being able to look at the other blogs and see what others are coming up with in comparison to myself. I enjoyed the journals more than the reading and course reflections, but I would imagine thats a given consensus. The textbooks were good for this level of a class. The material and topics we covered in class were also very relevant as well as intriguing and thought provoking. I also really appreciated the little extras Gabe posted to the blog too! Cool shit, thumbs up! Thanks and well wishes to Gabe!

J10: Coleman Project

Mike Bickley
Mike Burton

Our team really came together and got the job done. I was satisfied with everyones effort. Of course there are a few things I wish we could have changed or just cleaned up a little bit but overall I am satisfied with our final project. We created the water filter/carafe and yesterday was our day to present. We tried to get everyone together before class to perform a practice run, however schedules got in the way and a few of our teammates had to quickly  out as class was beginning. With that said, everyone did a great job speaking in front of the class.
I was satisfied with my contributions, as well as those others contributed. My main area of production was the creative aspect and trying to keep the group organized and on track. I did some rough sketches as well but I didn't have the best materials for the drawings and others were a little more skilled with this type of illustration than I. This is an awesome concept for a project but I might change the time limit on the presentations. It was difficult to have everyone included with a large group such as mine and there were so many more points and details that could have been discussed. I hope this idea continues to grow and produce more successes!

Monday, March 7, 2011

J09: Coleman Project

We're A 10!
Mike Burton
Mike Bickley

Our team has worked diligently to make this project a success. We made it a point to have everything finished as of today, as if we were presenting so that we can focus on the delivery and have the project as seamless as possible. We have the same direction as before, but now we are working more individually. It was very simple for our group to decide on who would work on which aspects of the final project. Each member individually vocalized the area they desired to finalize. Everyone has been responsible enough that I have had no doubts in their efforts or abilities to create a success. I was finalizing packaging with Mary and Mike Burton. I sketched accessory pieces for our product. I have consistently brought new and corresponding ideas to each part of the project and have also done my part listening. I have enjoyed the project as a whole, including the teamwork, creative process, and challenge.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Heskett 9-10

Chapters nine "Contexts" and ten "Futures" continued talking about the dirty past of design and took a new view to the future of design as the book comes to an end. It was also interesting to get another look at the designer and client relationship and the situations that arise. This was reminding me of the guest designers that visited and I compared some of their experiences in the industry to the big business examples in the text. This was also interesting because I like to know whats going on within these companies and past design efforts.
Though there are so many products and concepts that have been introduced to society, Cradle to Cradle is right, we have much more to address and the future does hold the solutions to help the elderly and countries with basic needs. Along with these hopes and anticipations, there is a constant worry about overly consuming and the amount of waste we continue to create. We must be proactive in making a change. I'm looking forward to seeing how our constantly evolving technologies, markets, and cultures continue to shape our processes for designing, conducting business, and solving societies problems.

J09: Coleman Project

Mike Burton
Mike Bickley

Overall, I am optimistic about the product. I think we have the product itself near finished and the current challenges are the packaging and kiosk. Everyone in the group is willing to work with perspectives and each of us has a skill that adds a dynamic to our team. We chose a household type water filtration system/device. The product will be a more modernized model of, say, a BRITA system. In the beginning I contributed a handful of product concepts and also researched price points and problems in the home. I feel like I have done an equal amount of talking and listening. My first priority task is to work on the product packaging. We have agreed on most details so I'm looking forward to seeing these ideas conceptualized on paper.

Monday, February 21, 2011

C to C: 4-6

Cradle to Cradle continues following the theme of having it's reader recognizing waste, processes, and impact on the environment. Much of this text gives obvious examples of products that have negatively effected the environment, therefor its refreshing that we're  now being introduced to some new ways of producing and recycling the products we use. I have started looking at companies and products I use more differently. I'm anticipating buying more products from companies who are attempting to change the way they are making things. Cradle to Cradle is a great text to recommend to others because it will benefit anyone who has little knowledge about what's happening in our environment, giving them a tool for change.

Guest Designers

On my way to class I was in a rush, thanks to the weather. I walked in just at the beginning of the brainstorming on how to approach the given task. I got the run down and we constructed a decent arch with a support arm. I was really excited to have a stimulating task at hand to get my mind geared up for the rest of class.
It was also interesting learning about each of their separate projects. this is because they each had similar but unique approaches and techniques as to how they created and manifested each design. It was also very assuring and beneficial to get first hand feedback from individuals who have changed majors, worked hard, chased their ambitions, and achieved success.
This was a great experience for, in my opinion, any student who is considering any type of artsy degree or anyone who is interested in art but is unsure of a major. I'm simply a minor in design, however I feel as though I made a very wise choice in choosing that minor.